2023-05-01 04:38:14
Nude Dancing for the Love of Horses!
Hi Everyone!
I'm back at it! Please subscribe and comment on my videos if you've got the time! I could use some serious help rebuilding this channel =) You can also add my videos to public Playlists to help others find me again!
As you may already know about me, I own a vintage clothing company on Instagram at www.instagram.com/daintyrascalvintage and I dance in every item and list it for sale. The process go to my Horse Rescue, Heart of Gold Sanctuary a 501c3 nonprofit in Northern California where I live.
Selling dresses didn't quite make enough to sort all the horses we are currently caring for so I decided to keep the cameras rolling while I got undressed too! I just kept Dancing as the garment fell away and so began Www.daintyrascaldancing.com! 100% of every subscription, or every wild video shoot downloaded from Www.daintyrascaldancing.com/shop goes directly to the Sanctuary! Because of the success of Dainty Rascal Dancing ventures including my OF @daintyrascal we were finally able to sign a lease on a much larger property with TWO barns and 14 parties and two riding arenas! We can now save twice as money Horses, and I will need twice as much support.
If you are able to, you can make a tax deductible donation directly at www.heartofgoldsanctuary.org
Meet the horses you're helping on www.instagram.com/heartofgoldsanctuary
You can find free previews of my personal Dancing site on -
Instagram @Dainty.rascal.dancing
and on
Twitter @DaintyDancing
Even if you can't afford to help financially, which I totally understand, you can help us tremendously by liking, commenting and sharing this video! Please subscribe to this new channel to help me get an by others who may be able to help support the horses.
Thank you all so much for your time and attention! I hope I have brought you some joy today, I will be uploading new videos daily. Be sure to follow DaintyRascalVintage, my PG YouTube channel just in case this one (like 12 before it), "disappears"!
Suzy - Dainty Rascal Dancing full lingerie try on haul video
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