Submitted by
Sydney Kong
2023-01-26 04:32:34
hey guys !
how are all of you ? Long time no see. I've seen some of your comments about where's a video? Is everything okay? Like how come there's not a video. And I'm lovely guys it's just that your babe is busy. I go to school 4 days a week and I also work 3 days a week. So I haven't had time to post a video. I have been filming videos I just haven't uploaded any of them because I haven't had time okay.
but anyways, today we have a big try on haul because I've been buying things but I haven't had time to try them on! Also I haven't been wanting to because I gained some weight because I've been eating a lot.
So here we go let's get into the haul
Green romper - : I was gonna film me trying the green romper on for my final what I got for Christmas video but then by the time I wanted to do the video, it was already my birthday and that would've been three months since from Christmas so I was like nahhh. But I wore it on my birthday and I felt sooo hottt.
TRY-ON PORTION: I totally forgot that when you wear the romper you have to wear a regular bra so I had on a sports bra so I had to wear no bra with the romper. I'm sorry if I have a nip slip. No one wants to see that. But also, I look so hot in this romper like I'm obsessed.
Blue and greenish yellow cutout dress: So I got this dress with the birthday discount that Frankie's Bikinis gave me. I saw this dress and I was like I want this dress. It's apart of the pisces collection which I'm a pisces so it's perfect for me.
TRY-ON PORTION: So when I tried on the dress, I was unaware of the fact that the top part of the dress is extremely see-through and I wasn't wearing a bra so you could see my nipples and my melons through the dress. But other than that, I loved the dress it's sooo cuteeee.
Red floral two piece bathing suit & Pink Bikini: So I love both the red two piece and the pink bikini. Like I saw the red sunning and I was like I want. So when they dropped the beach costume collection, there was a lot of things on preorder and I was like no I want it now so I ended up getting two bikinis in the same style but different colors.
TRY ON PORTION: Pink bikini I love the top. The top is pretty but the bottoms are a no for me because I feel like my pubes are showing and I don't like it.
Yellow bikini: it's sooooo cutee. I love it I'm obsessed. I want the matching yellow skirt with it.
TRY ON PORTION: I love everything about this bikini. I love how it looks on me. Like it's sooo cuteee.
Neon surfer bikini: I saw this sunning when they released it at first and I was just like I want this. I have to have it like it's sooo cutee. Like I saw this top and I was just like ughhh sooo cuteee.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this video. I have a whole list of bikinis listed on my notes of all the bikinis that I've wanted from their website. Like they're all sooo cutee. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up. Subscribe if you haven't. Subscribe because it's free and why not.
#massivetryonhaul #frankiesbikinis #frankiesbikini #bikinitryonhaul #ivebeenputtingitoff #foramonth #greenromperhaul #greenrompertryonhaul #lookedsohotinit #blueandgreenishyellowdresshaul #blueandgreenishyellowdresstryon #couldseemyboobsthroughmydress #redfloralbikinihaul #pinkbikinihaul #pinkbikinitryon #couldseemypubes #itsanoforme #nothanks #yellowbikinihaul #yellowbikinitryon #imobsessed #lookssoperfectonme #neonsurferbikinihaul #subscribe #enjoy #like #giveitathumbsup #subscribebecauseitsfree - Sydney Kong full lingerie try on haul video
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